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Meditation and the News?

City Kids goes on a field trip every Friday! Sometimes, we go somewhere just for fun, and sometimes, we go somewhere for an academic lesson related to what we are doing in our other programming. These two outings are examples of how varied our trips can be. Pictured below, our kids visited a Meditation Museum, to learn about mindfulness, and the Newseum, to learn about the production and dissemination of news. The possibilities are truly endless of where we can go and what we can do. And every year, the kids get older, so the possibilities also grow and change.

Using the entire D.C. metro area as our classroom, we have learned to engage the various museums, organizations, small businesses, and cultural institutions as a way to educate our children. Using the wider world as an educational canvas teaches our children that education doesn't just happen within four walls, at a desk. It is our hope, that through our weekly excursions, our kids will learn how to engage their communities as active members and critical thinkers. And we hope they have fun along the way!

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