City Kids learns about architecture!
Here at City Kids, we try to have as much continuity in our curriculum as possible. Our field trips, Exploring Arts, and City Kids Stories classes will often be related to what we are working on in World Cultures. Currently, we have been learning about architecture, and to tie this theme into our World Cultures unit on Islam, our kids visited the largest Mosque in the country. In the pictures below, you can see how stunning the architecture is.

In these pictures, our kids are learning about some basic architectural concepts: tension, compression, torque, and shear.

We also incorporated writing into our unit on architecture! The kids had to choose a picture of a large human-made structure and write about it. We have been working on writing from different perspectives, even inanimate objects, so the kids had fun imagining what it would be like to be an object like a glass bridge, the Taj Mahal, or an airplane control tower.