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City Kids' success is rooted in our diverse interests and our collective passion to share with e

For City Kids' World Culture & Geography program, our families rotate planning lessons and activities; we dedicate time to each part of the world, and families can sign up for which units they want to lead. Kids and parents can talk about what they want to learn and teach about, and they get to share what they've learned with everyone else.

Last week, for our unit on Africa, one of our families planned a lesson about Kente cloth and other textiles that come from West Africa. Textiles is not something that I would ever have thought of teaching. I know nothing about textiles, and if it weren't for a few of the other parents in our group who are interested in them, my son would most likely not learn about those things. No homeschooling parent is an expert on everything, and that's o.k., but I am grateful that my son has the benefit of learning from families with diverse interests and passions. Clearly, City Kids' success is rooted in our diverse interests and our collective passion to share with each other.

Below, you can see some of the paper versions of Kente cloth and mud cloth that our kids made for their activity on West African textiles. Maybe we will have some budding clothing designers, inspired by West African textiles!

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