Garden Bed Building: Part 1
We are putting in two extra gardening beds to make room for more City Kids organic veggies! In order to do it at a cost we can afford, we are building the beds ourselves. It seemed like it would be an easy day until the pick up truck one of our mom's borrowed to pick up the lumber broke down. Another mom came to the rescue in a mini-van! (Something about that seems really cliche'.) Nonetheless, we sorted it out and got the beds built!

Bye, bye broken down borrowed pick up truck. We will miss you, sorta.

Our mom on the right is the one who is heading up the project. Take note of the awesome new tool belt she is rockin'! City Kids gave it to her as a gift for all the maker projects she does for the co-op! We also gave her overalls, but it's 150 degrees in this picture. So the overalls have to wait.

I see fresh basil in our future...

Stay tuned for Part 2: Compost delivery!
And for your listening and viewing pleasure: