Week 14: Mongolia, Origami, Capoeira, and Imagination Stage!
This week was City Kids' final week before winter break. During the fall, the kids had so much fun and learned a lot along the way. It has been a great year so far, and we are excited to keep going after the New Year. Until then, City Kids wishes everyone a happy winter break, and a very Happy New Year!
Continuing our unit on Asia, one of our parents taught the kids about the Mongolian Empire, including Genghis Khan, and Nomadic Culture and Horse Culture. Our lead parent did a great job of introducing this part of history to our kids. We focused on the culture of the Mongolian people, and the kids loved learning about how horses played a crucial role in the Mongolian Empire as well as how important they are in Mongolia today.
The kids had fun constructing and testing their own Mongolian catapults.
We also had an end of year celebration; we had homeade caramel popcorn, homemade almond apple cake, and fresh fruit. Of course, the kids went for the caramel popcorn and cake!
For Game Day, the kids learned how to do simple origami, an art form that originated in Japan.
We also had our last Capoeira lesson of the season. The kids did a lot of floor work and learned some new moves this week.
For our last field trip of the seaon, City Kids went to see "A Year with Frog and Toad" at Imagination Stage!